Hotline By Lewis Le Val

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“Even the most famous ‘psychics’ in the world are never this accurate!”

Introducing Hotline, a formidable utility tool delivering precise readings, astonishing routines, and impactful reveals.

Disguised as a contemporary mindfulness tool, the card initially promotes meditation, urging focus on achieving an ideal future. However, beneath this facade, cunning secrets are concealed.


A simple numerology reading is offered. Each numbered square on the card represents a desirable future quality. Your participant is asked to mentally select one that resonates with them, and as with all numerology readings, a basic calculation is made. This can be done on their phone (which you never touch). Enter, ‘the Hotline Equation’. This devious calculation produces a genuinely random four digit number upon which to base your reading, however, secretly coded into the total you’ll discover their chosen quality. You now have immediately relevant context for your reading, as well as a guaranteed reveal that was never written down or spoken aloud.

Before you recoil at the notion of employing mathematics, know that Lewis insisted the Hotline Equation meet specific criteria. It had to be:

  • Mind numbingly easy.

  • Endlessly repeatable.

  • Deceptive.

  • A different total every time with no patterns.

  • A free choice of all values entered. The participant chooses any numbers they like.

  • They don’t tell or show you what they’ve entered.

  • Quick, with no more than three steps.

  • Justified and easy to follow/understand.

  • Not boring.

As far as participants are concerned, all you see is a random four digit total, yet from it, you extract their exact thought, which becomes the crux of the reading.

The Hotline Equation meets all of the above.


With a few business cards and a pen, Super Psychic is the Hotline Reading on steroids, allowing you to reveal even more details about participants – from home addresses to job titles and cherished names, all without prior knowledge. Even renowned "psychics" pale in comparison to this level of accuracy.


The Hotline card is made in the U.K. from 100% plastic, with a special finish that allows you to write on it with regular sharpie. Hand both the card and pen to your participant and ask them to circle their choice. Then, in returning the card to your peek wallet, you’ll have access to their most desired future path, which can be revealed in any number of ways (you’ll find plenty of inspiration for this in the tutorial video). The card’s finish allows sharpie ink to remain permanent enough to perform with, and yet easily removable with some pressure from your thumb.


The card's reverse features a brief text outlining its pseudo-purpose and conceals a classic book test. Participants think of a word, and moments later, you reveal what it is. Three methods are taught (no anagrams). This test is a perfect warm-up or connection-building process before performing Super Psychic.

You could turn up to paid gigs with nothing more than Hotline, a pen and a pocket full of business cards, and perform all night with the content people care most about, doing the things that a genuine psychic or seer would probably do with their abilities.

Whether you’re a complete beginner or experienced professional, the downloadable tutorial video will teach you everything you need to know to get the most out of your Hotline card. Along the way you’ll also learn plenty of tips, subtleties and advice from Lewis Le Val.

Hotline stands on its own as a powerful tool, but may be harmoniously combined with Lewis Le Val's bestselling reading system, Devil Knows.

You’ll receive your very own 100% plastic ‘Hotline’ card, made right here in the U.K., with a link to the downloadable tutorial videos.

Please note: download link ships with card.